Friday, August 20, 2010

Wednesday 25th Aug Meeting; With Glen Collinson and Haider Imam.

My thanks to Tony Burgess and Julie French for last month's innovative presentation. If you missed it you missed the opportunity to test your will with a walk across a blanket of broken glass!! There were no cut feet honest!!

This month we have the pleasure of 2 speakers; Glen Collinson and Haider Imam.

Facing, Coping with and overcoming major life changing eventsIn December 1993, I had commenced a successful, exciting new business with my then wife.
We had both just begun in the last 12 months or so, to read self development books, listen to tapes and make very positive changes in our lives.
We married in 1993, and our first child was due to arrive in January 1994.
However, my wife went into labour on Christmas day, 5 weeks early.
After 2 days our son was born, with an APGAR score of 9, bright as a button, and our life seemed perfect.
Despite developing jaundice, mother and son were discharged, and routine checks continued at home.
At just under 7 days old, he became very lethargic, wouldn’t keep down feeds, but midwives and doctor said he was fine.
At 10pm that night we rushed him to Alder Hey children’s hospital, where we were ushered into a private room, while doctors and emergency staff raced to save him…

This is a story of perseverance, heartache, loss, and ultimately triumph. Using this story as a framework, I will discuss the factors that enabled us, and others, to overcome the events and resulting effects.
As a coach, NLP practitioner and Time Line Therapy Practitioner, I will relate techniques from these therapies to my own and others experiences and show how we can apply them to all aspects of our lives.

Haider Imam

Influence or Out-fluence: how up to date are you?

It's a horrifying fact that many people are still using influence & persuasion approaches
that were mainstream 40 years ago. Hasn't the world we live in changed radically in the
last 40 years, with breakthroughs in science, technology and psychology?
So why hasn't your influencing approach followed suit?

Whether you're driving organisational change, leading a community project or you're self-
employed trying to grow your business, make sales and feed your family, chances are
you're letting yourself down with an out-of-date influence toolkit, while others are pressing ahead.

Having used this learning to help clients make more than £30 million in the last two years, Haider will share some of the very latest thinking from fields such as Social Psychology,
NLP, Neuroscience and Behavioural Economics in this presentation. You'll have the chance
to ask Haider specific questions and leave with proven new strategies to influence yourself
and others (quicker than you'd expect and more easily than you'd think)!

7pm for 7:30pm start.
please confirm your place with a quick email to

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Next month;
22nd Sept, Tony Robbins trainer Brigitte Summner.


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