Friday, November 18, 2011

Wed 23 November Meeting

3 Fantastic Speakers this Wednesday with lots to share
Please arrive for a prompt 7.30pm start- we have an action packed agenda for you.
(scroll down for more details of all 3 speakers and their presentations)

Practical Leadership by Karl Pearsall
This isn't telling you about what I've learned about leaders. This isn't telling you how to lead like me. I am asking you to take leadership in your own way, and use it as a tool for your own personal development.
Having the identity of a leader will transform your life. Within this presentation my wish for you is that you further own the leader within you for a richer life of more meaning. Your ultimate success, growth and your ability to contribute depends on your ability to lead. Afterwards, you will be inspired to take the next step again and again, applying a couple of simple ideas. It will be for some a catalyst to grasp the abundance of opportunities in life and thus receive more of what you deserve. I will share my personal experience, of huge success in the 90’s and lessons from leading The Yes Group onwards to ‘a vision of a world where everyone has access to a peer group that inspires them to grow and contribute’.
Core concepts:
Be Willing
Power of Identity
Leadership as a daily practice and your ultimate path of growth.
Leadership to me is ... - being prepared to do all the things yourself that you expect/demand of others - pushing forward to your goal in the face of obstacles and challenges - believing that everyone in your team has unique and special talents and are always capable of more
Leadership is about many things; maturity, emotional stability, state management, flexibility, utilisation, consistency, certainty, passion, compassion, vision, a love of life & of people, courage, accept graciously errors & failure with resolve, rejection with steadfastness, commitment, courage, to be able to ask for help and willing to follow.
Leaders are willing to be coached
Leaders ask great questions of themselves and others.
Practical Leadership: my goal is to inspire you to take the challenge of your leadership as your ultimate path to growth.

Jayes Vora helps people move out from states of suffering to success or happiness and to fulfilment in very short spaces of time. Typically the people he helps include those who have been suffering for a long time and with multiple and complex challenges.

That’s great news if you are in need of help J What it means for you is at the YES Group North on the 23rd November, Jayes will share with you one of the key tools he uses daily in his own personal life as a husband and parent to live a great family life and as a coach helping people of all backgrounds to move away from unwanted states and suffering and towards a more fulfilled life.

At the end of evening you will walk away with awareness of what many call a breakthrough of the 21st century in psychology made by Tony Robbins, the man who inspired the creation the YES Groups. You will realise the practical application of what you have learnt will help you in every area of your journey of life and will improve your relationships and ability to communicate with all people on the planet no matter what differences in culture, beliefs and values. You will learn how to make your contribution in life even more effective.

Teachers, coaches, therapists, trainers, employers, parents, lovers, students and people from all walks of life around the world have successfully transformed their lives and those of others around them because it’s easy to learn and apply human needs based psychology in every life situation. Knowing why people do what they do is no longer a mystery but instead profound understanding that you can use to influence for the better.
Put Wednesday 23rd November 2011in your diary and be there at YES Group North to take your peer group based learning to a new level.

“Deciding What Matters: What is success and how can we achieve it?" is Lee Jackson's motivational presentation on what successful people have in common and how we can apply those principles today. This fun, multimedia and down-to-earth presentation is a breath of fresh air. Based on solid research, mixed with a bit of Northern humour, Lee will help us to focus on the good stuff to help us enjoy and succeed in life even more.

Lee has been speaking to audiences for over eighteen years - three years full time. He has learnt over this time what makes people tick and how we can inspire them to achieve more. Getting the best out of people has dominated his career, experience and study; and is at the core of all he does. Having spoken to people young and old in dozens of schools, prisons. businesses and youth groups, Lee brings all of his experience and research to his work, he uses success stories (and a few of his mishaps) to communicate clearly, leaving us with practical take-away action points. His visual and funny multi-media presentations are a welcome break from scripted talks and ‘death-by-powerpoint’. Where else can you learn from the Neil Armstrong, Jay Sean and Susan Boyle in one presentation?!


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