Saturday, February 26, 2005

Meeting Details

We meet on the 4th Wednesday, every month at:
Cedar Court Hotel
Ainley Top
Cedar Court Hotel,
Huddersfield. J24, M62

For Directions, click here:

Future Speakers
Mar 23 - Jeanny Whittam - Live Blood Tests & How to Be Healthy!
April 27 - Marcus De Maria (to be confirmed) - “How to Catapult Your Finances into the Golden Paradise You’ve Always Wished For”
Speakers to be confirmed for: May 25, Jun 22, Jul 27, Aug 24, Sept28, Oct 26, Nov 23, Dec 14

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

“Anything is Possible If You Just Take Small Steps”

February's meeting on Wednesday 23rd, will see two of our members Karen and Mark de Salis telling us about their physical and emotional journey around the mountains of Peru.

Retracing the steps of the author of “Touching the Void”, Karen and Mark’s exciting journey is an inspiring story of achievement in “bite sized” chunks.

Karen and Mark are both Mastery University Graduates who really walk their talk.. They have been great members of the Yes Group for several years now. This will be a evening not to be missed.

See you there.

Catherine Patel
Chair- Yes Group North

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

January Meeting - Speaker: Niri Patel

Our thanks to Niri for a great start to the year- the feedback was as inspiring as the session.

It was an enormous task to cover the full breadth of the subject and psychology of Goal Setting

He reminded us all of how vitally important it is to have enough reasons to achieve our goals- not just to know what they are but also the why we must reach them.

Niri also skillfully led us through both an energizing session and a closed eye process in order to maximize our ability to capture our ultimate visions of who we want to become in order to deserve the things our goals will bring us.

Niri showed us how he categorizes his goals so that he can instantly recall them all and keep them in constant focus.

We look forward to hearing more of the superb success stories as the year unfolds.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Sharing the knowledge...

Thanks again to Nigel Normanton for the start of our personal development library. There's a wide variety, from books on selling to Richard Branson to Maureen Lipman!

Please feel free to bring along any books, CDs or tapes you are happy to add to it for people to borrow.

What a great way for us all to help share our knowledge - let's face it, the books don't do much good when they're just sat on our shelves!

Have a browse the next time you come along and see what you fancy learning about.