Monday, October 19, 2009

Wednesday 28th Meeting - Workshop with Chris Hughes

My thanks to all who took the time to send or make their heartfelt tributes last month.
Thanks also to Chris and Dave Hughes for the entertaining and uplifting presentation.

Started thinking about your goals for next year yet?
Thought at all about how much you have covered and achieved so far this year?

we are going to get ahead of the goal setting game by beginning early the review of what we have covered, and by starting the process of planning for next year.

Chris Hughes will be joining us again, as a continuation of last month's look at what creates champions. Chris will run the session as a workshop, guiding us through the process of evaluation and into the formulation of our goals and schedules for next year.

As always, it will be a night to remember!
Bring your friends.
7pm - 7:30pm

As you may remember, last year we had the pleasure of an evening with relationship experts Tony and Nicki Vee at the YES group.

When it comes to helping couples resolve their relationship problems, or helping singles to attract the partner of their dreams, they really know what they’re talking about!

We’ve managed to persuade them to offer their “Ultimate Intimate Relationship” DVD set (worth £197) to our members - for F’REE! (you just pay for the P&P)

Go to to watch their short video to find out more.

Here’s just some of what this must-watch DVD set contains:

· How to know the difference between living with fear and living with love

· A step-by-step approach to feel happy, contented and connected to your partner at a whole new level than ever before

· The keys to understanding the ‘male/female’ differences and how to use them to create a magnetic attraction

· How to easily attract the opposite sex (despite what you’re led to believe, attraction has NOTHING to do with looks!)

· And TONS more tips and strategies for creating the Ultimate Intimate Relationship!

Get your DVD set (worth £197) for FREE now at