Wednesday 25th Nov. Meeting; How to double your income in 90 days or less: Niri Patel
In this presentation and workshop find out the key things that Niri teaches his clients in order to achieve the results they desire.
Hard work alone is not a guarantee to success. Find out what to do, when to do it, and how to do it, to have the life you want,- be it, health, wealth, fun, relationships or anything else.
Plus,if it finances you are focussing on, you will learn how to double your income in 90 days, along with the 10 things that cost you the most/stop you from getting the results you want, and how to irradicate them.
Niri is an incredibly dynamic speaker, his wisdom worth it's weight in gold! bring your friends along for a truly inspirational evening!
7pm for 7:30pm
Do you realise Yes Group North has been going for 10 years next year!!!
Any ideas for celebrations please contact Catherine.